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Things move fast in the technology sector. Developments come in quick succession and every step forward involves overcoming challenges and solving problems. When it comes to claiming R&D Tax Credits, understanding which projects and activities qualify is the key to getting the most from them.
Examples include:
- Developing faster, more efficient algorithms.
- Creating new architectures or codes.
- Writing new APIs or improving existing ones.
- Blending existing technologies in new ways.
- Improving performance, capability or reliability.
We are more than your average R&D outfit
Software has been a real hot topic within the R&D scheme, being present in pretty much every industry through the process of automation. With many years experience working within the R&D scheme, we've helped software companies maximise their R&D tax relief claims, year after year.
With our team of dedicated R&D experts, we go an extra step by:
- Offering regular visits to your premises to discuss, review and capture R&D activity as needed, to maximise your benefit.
- Creating bespoke data capturing methods tailored to your business, to capture future R&D activities undertaken without being disruptive to your business.
- Carrying out as much of your R&D leg work as possible. From identifying eligible projects, we carry your R&D baton through writing technical narratives and crunching those notoriously difficult R&D calculations.
Real examples of R&D from Software claims
Example 1:
- Nature of R&D: Financial education platform
- Overview: Using an innovative combination of new algorithms, advanced analytics and machine learning, the company developed new software tools within their financial education platform.
- Eligible expenditure identified by RIFT: £467,636
- Tax relief generated: £162,337
Example 2:
- Nature of R&D: Procurement platform
- Overview: the company expanded and improved their unique platform, and due to the complex procurement processes and supplier-customer arrangements it handles, standard e-Commerce methodologies alone were not sufficient.
- Eligible expenditure identified by RIFT: £294,867
- Tax relief generated: £75,410
Example 3:
- Nature of R&D: Develop bespoke software systems for functionality
- Overview: the company engaged in a number of R&D projects produce bespoke software suite solutions for various clients to enhance their performance and abilities.
- Eligible expenditure identified by RIFT: £309,466.92
- Tax relief generated: £60,148.92

Our technical teams specialise in hunting down all your qualifying R&D costs and turning them into a serious financial boost for your business.
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