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The R&D tax credits scheme is a government backed incentive to drive forward innovation and technical expertise within the UK. It could be an innovative product, software application or even just a greener and more sustainable process which can result in a substantial R&D claim. If you're overcoming technical challenges within the construction sector, then you could qualify for R&D tax credits.

Construction businesses often see themselves as problem-solvers, but not innovators. However, if the work you’re doing tackles issues with wider implications for your industry and beyond, you could qualify for R&D Tax Credits. Examples include:
- Overcoming site or conservational issues.
- Developing or using new or “greener” products.
- Improving methods or techniques.
- New energy saving techniques.
- Improving safety
- Innovative logistical problem solving.
- Testing and prototyping.
Projects that qualify for R&D tax credits
These areas can often be overlooked for R&D Tax Credit Claims so if you have been involved in working in any projects dealing with these issues get in touch with us today.
Unusual or difficult environmental or ground conditions - Each site is different and while standard practices are suited to most conditions, there are numerous instances in which a construction company is faced with conditions for which there are no established methods for tackling. They have no choice but to develop new methods and adapt tools and techniques before they can even begin. This can include, but is not limited to, challenges specific to:
- Location
- Logistics and access
- Site restrictions
- Timeframes
Health and Safety - Construction remains a dangerous industry and health and safety measures are continually being updated. As a result companies in the industry have to adapt to comply. This can result, for example, in advances in protective barriers, innovative scaffolding, platforms for safe working and automation of dangerous tasks.
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) - Companies pioneering modular building techniques will be faced with a fresh set of challenges that has them delving outside of established industry knowledge, and as a result, their findings are of industry wide significance.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) - Central to the UK construction industry’s future ambitions is the adoption of information rich BIM technologies, process and collaborative behaviours that will unlock new more efficient ways of working at all stages of the project life-cycle.
The RIFT Group has served the construction industries’ tax needs for over 16 years, so we speak your language, as well as HMRC's.
Real examples of R&D from the Construction Industry
Example 1:
- Nature of R&D: Sustainable Building Method Development
- Overview: The building of a prototype passive status house, using a combination of methods and technology, in order to prove the feasibility of the system as a viable method for sustainable home building.
- Eligible expenditure identified by RIFT: 155,389
- Tax relief generated: £48,620
Example 2:
- Nature of R&D: To introduce a means by which to design and implement a temporary works structure that would support the existing external wall, the roof and the basement.
- Overview: Due to the heritage nature of this project the contractors were not able to utilise standard or industry recognised techniques and had to design, develop and install a solution that would achieve the necessary efficiencies, meet all safety standards whilst resulting in a structure that could support the work that needed to be carried out.
- Eligible expenditure identified by RIFT: £752,155.84
- Tax relief generated: £142,909.60
Example 3:
- Nature of R&D: Using new methods and materials in a cost saving manner
- Overview: the company engaged in several R&D projects to redevelop an old building within tight confinement of other. The company needed to establish original materials used and the most suitable methods and materials to clad and roof the building safely.
- Eligible expenditure identified by RIFT: £357,238.23
- Tax relief generated: £ 91,293.51

Our technical teams specialise in hunting down all your qualifying R&D costs and turning them into a serious financial boost for your business.
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